ADHD is a condition that is characterized by issues with focusing and controlling impulsive behaviors. The condition can affect individuals in different age groups, and there is not currently a cure. Some individuals have more severe forms of ADHD. This does not mean that the condition cannot be managed and allow sufferers to live productive lives. The key is to develop the best ADHD treatment plan, which is customized based on individual needs. The following points identify a few alternative therapies that can be implemented with or without medications based on individual needs.


This is a type of therapy that involves teaching those with ADHD to retrain their brains to get to a desired state of comfort. This acts as a calming technique and can help if they get in situations that trigger impulsivity. High-stress situations are common triggers for ADHD. Neurofeedback involves teaching patients how to identify when they are in a situation that could trigger an impulse. This therapy is best suited for individuals who are old enough to understand how to identify triggers and understand directions.


Certain foods, or food with certain additives, can trigger ADHD impulsivity. They can be viewed as allergens for those who have ADHD. When possible, it is ideal to eat whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. Some individuals can tolerate meat, but it is wise to consider preservatives and additives when seasoning. Sugar, food dye, soy, and dairy are common culprits. The best way to determine if food allergens trigger ADHD  is to do an elimination diet. This involves only eating whole foods for a set period of time to determine if flare-ups improve.


It is important to keep stress levels as low as possible. Individuals with ADHD may have hyperactivity, and exercise can aid in reducing hyperactivity. It is also effective because it can reduce stress levels. Some parents notice that their children benefit from getting involved actively in sports. The body produces dopamine when an individual is involved in physical activity. This hormone aids in maintaining focus, which is important in managing ADHD.

ADHD treatment services are usually provided through counseling providers. They can determine if medications might be needed. If medications are already in use and do not appear to work, the treatment provider can explore new medication options. When medications are suggested, some individuals notice reduced symptoms, which can help to make coping with the condition and life bearable. 
